
Organiser of the Kraków’Culture programme
City of Kraków
Department of Culture and National Heritage
ul. Wielopole 17a
31-072 Kraków
Acting Department Director
Jadwiga Gutowska-Żyra

Operator and Publisher of the Kraków’Culture Programme
coordination, production, promotion
ul. Wygrana 2
30-311 Kraków
T: +48 12 354 25 00
F: +48 12 354 25 01
KBF opening hours: 8.00-16.00
Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe
NIP: 676-17-87-436
NIP UE: PL6761787436
REGON: 351210040
Bank: 68 1020 2892 0000 5002 0590 9926
Director of KBF